Happy New Year 2012! For those of us(and we know who we are) who have made it through the last four years sometimes by the skin of their teeth, congratulations! This is exactly the moment in time we have been waiting for! And we are the peoples we have been waiting for! We are one- and every single person on this planet at this moment has agreed to be here and do their part! If you thought about pressing the "eject" button one or two or even three times, you are not alone. But the point is you didn't! You made it!
So, at this moment, I must "air" something I previously hadn't. In June 2011, I had a disagreement with a certain someone and they yelled at me, telling me "all my spirituality is nonsense!", "My gods were dead", and Amma(Ammachi - the hugging saint) was dead and was nothing". Actually he screamed that at me. I would like to now take the time to address that.
My fellow human being, I hope you didn't actually mean that and were only mad. My gods and spiritual teachers are my own. We all have a different path. We are take different turns. Your words hurt me, but I recovered. The attitude you then took for the next few months of superiority in spiritual matters will never make you prove you are right or correct. In the end, the attitude proved to be detrimental. You have a different path. I never insulted anything you believed in. I am happy that the veil of illusion was broken and I understand how you truly felt. Good luck on your way.
If we all can understand that we are one. We are helping each other through the ascension process and there is no reason to "throw anybody under the bus" while they are struggling. Happy New Earth 2012!