Thursday, December 20, 2012

Congratulations Earthlings!We are finally here. SO for 8(eight minutes) in between midday of December 21, 2012 and December 23, 2012, we will have the most powerful vibrations. And that is time to write down stuff. Revelations about your  life. Deep truths. Visions. Channelings. Poetry. Whatever. You are inspired and wow- "what a great idea" comes into your head. The 22nd is particulary important for all you spiritual peoples and regular folks also. Now, if there is a darkening of the skies on the 23rd or late on the 22nd, do not panic. I repeat - do not panic. It may feel like a void when the earth is very still and in a state of being. Just remember countles smillions on the planet have prepared for this and are ready. Awaken. Awaken. Awaken.

This youtube video feels like the most grounded and authentic version of ascension I've seen and I recommend watching the whole thing.

See ya on the other side of awakened.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Keys to Awakening. It's days before the Ascension. And I have been having some intense moments. This year has been hard enough for me, and everyone else of the planet. They say change is inevitable. But it is also difficult to get used to. This year we had plenty of practice. Plenty. At this moment, I would like to thank all the many people who assisted me this year. I survived and I made it. Two residential moves. A foot accident. Broken friendships. Yep that's a symptom of our evolutionary process. You create friendships. One person continues to grow, the other stands still. You have to expect it.
For those of youwho felt a burst of energy 12/12/12, Congratulations you made it! You are on this planet in the most energetic time of transition and events are happening daily! You are good. You've come this far now and guess what... there are three days before the Mayan calendar is suppposed to end...12/21/12. I actually feel all the energy shift takes place on 12/22/12. Master number 22- Aquarius. Collective Unconscious Evolution.  Just my take.

For those of us who have been exposed to violence, this year- I say a prayer. To those who have seen a huge upheaval in their life situations, I say a prayer. To those who have lost loved and family members, I say a prayer. We are rewriting our inner selves here and the work is not easy. Many of you have shed many tears this year on things that caused suffering. It doesn't take an weekend stay at an ashram to adapt a neutral attitude. It takes months and years of continual meditation, inner work, some therapy, healing modalities, self- reflection. That's what I and the many friends I know have done for the last several years. The qualities we find ourselves finally observing are: compassion, detachment, love, self-love, appreciation, gratitude, being of service to others, empathy, tolerance, patience, etc. We live these qualities everyday now no matter what hat we wear to the outer world. On that note, I must say that no weekend get-away for 12/21/12 is going to make any difference. Those with this meditation or that workshop: you're really fooling yourselves or maybe you actually enjoy drinking the Koolaid. It doesn't make one heck of one percent of anything. Get real. I'll be working on the eve of the Ascension be-cause(hello be cause- do you see those words) that is where Spirit needs me the most. Originally, I did want to go to a party. But quickly, my schedule was shifted. There is no doubt in my mind that Spirit is putting me in the right place at the right time. And guess what, the work is done. No escaping to the South of France for me. Or Ireland for an exclusive meditation. That's a lot of crap. Seriously. I would never want to go into the shift of evolution and the coming year - 2013- with my eyes closed like that. This is why I must thank my spirit guides for allowing the truth to unfold like that. This was a year for discernment. Discerning what is real and what is not. So hopefully, we create our reality everyday now like the "URUS"( brand new term)we are- not GURUS. That time is past folks. Govern yourselves now and watch the sparks fly! Happy Holidays!!!!!!