Monday, June 3, 2013


"Eclipsa-tion"- (sareenapedia) - def. the process of going through three huge eclipses in a row and surviving intact with changes throughout.

That is my definition for "eclipsation". This has been one of the more challenging three eclipses in a row. So let me tell you a story. The "fun" began on April 12th. On April 12, Pluto went retrograde. We felt this deep internal energy shift. On April 14th, the Boston Marathon was bombed. Slowly, work and money steadily got tighter. My disbelief was growing. I didn't hit a panic button or anything. We all have an internal mechanism of how this "stuff" works and so, I knew progress was either delayed or halted. On top of this then comes along the Aries 25th-partial lunar eclipse. My phone virtually stopped ringing. I had significant cancellations Then somewhere around April 28th, I knew this is not right. After pondering all sorts of "unblocking" actions, I finally realized a path to help me recover. The process is called SURRENDER. When shit is not working on any level, one just basically stops and considers. "Ok why is this happening? Is there a reason? What am I learning?" I stopped and became quiet. After that, I survived the next event- the May 10th Solar eclipse. My mind was still entrenched in financial matters and career. It was an unspoken rule we has around our home that we would not longer discuss eclipses:). So, in matters of home, we both agreed that something really "off" was occurring. Finally, May 25- the Gemini Lunar eclipse occurs. It is May 25th, and the amount of spiritual work done is huge. So, my friend and I decide- "Yep, this is the big one- Sagittarius." And, if by magick, the Earth starts opening up and breathes. She breathes her deep sigh and says, "Yes. I will work with your earthlings. I will help you. Natural cycles and magick are all in occurence once more. I salute you for your efforts and what you have learned. I love you." So, at this moment, we breathe. The floodgates of right action and sanity operate once more. No resistance. Just love and ambition. Gaia-thank you.

What really happened-
Through the process of 3 eclipses, the Earth became a "no magick" zone for practitioners. Call it law of attraction, magic, luck, timing or whatever- you were blocked. At this level, we were taught a lesson to rely on the process of surrender. Flow and ebb. Flow and ebb. This doesn't work so well in New York City, where you are accustomed to having what you want at any time. I would describe the last six weeks as a test of faith and perseverance. If this didn't happen to you, get ready. The energy of eclipses have a habit of sticking around for up to six months until you learn the lesson. Congratulations on your graduation if you stuck it out and got it!!!!  And yay!!