Monday, October 10, 2016

Pure genius- Libra time allows us to observe what is really happening with the Presidential Election!!!

Channel for the American people-
This is pure genius for the circus we are witnessing;) After observing the candidates for a while now, I see a prospective which speaks volumes about our evolution. We are deeply polarized and you can see by observing the two candidates.

Hilary Rodham Clinton-woman
Donald Trump-male

Hilary-secretive, deceptive, hidden
Trump- in your face, intense, blunt, raw


Womanizer/victim of husbands affairs

Water- Hilary/Fire-Donald
Winning vs Losing

All of these are associations connected to these too. I didn't realize it until just now. The deep truth here is we cannot continue to live in polarity and division.
The powers that be choose this moment for humanity to understand that what we are being shown: the grossest (mundane) physical example of why as a planet we can not continue to operate in this way

Unity consciousness-Hilary and Donald working together

Oh of course, it will never happen. It's not meant to at this time but eventually, it will.

Also, Donald's life will change over time bc he took this journey to run as President. Little by little, he will realize how out of balance and off he is. 


It is the message of the future and things are meant to be, however they turn out:)

Have a good night!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Announcing my YouTube channel, Eclipses, and Channeling

I come to all of you from Stardate August 20, 2016. In the last four years, I have grown, changed, traveled and lived in some amazing cities. I'm about to release my book, "Persephone Rising" in February 2017. I've had tons of adventures and am starting my own YouTube Channel under SareenaBeana.
The startling discovery I made was during the last 2 weeks. I rewound back to 2012, and living full time in NYC. I was part of many spiritual groups there, including the MetaCenter, Brahma Kumaris, SQ Wellness, Vipassana Meditation and Subud. In all of these groups, we thought 2012 was the year of Ascension. Except it may not have been. The Gregorian calendar was a refinement to the Julian calendar of 0.002% according to all the Equinoxes, solstices, and leap years. He didn't yet take into account the tilt of Earth's orbit over 540 years which would also make a difference! This adjustment took place in 1582. Now, Pope Gregory XIII differential from Julian calendar to Gregorian calendar was 10 days. Of course, as time moves on and we approach 2016, my understanding is the differential builds up. My point- what if our calendar is off, by say 4 years and we are just approaching the Ascension of 2012? What if we had an extra 4 years in getting ready for this process. If you look at the enormous acknowledgment and recognition of light workers over the past 4 years, it's astounding. We have methods now to evolve in our consciousness on the planet which we didn't have 4 years ago. As I celebrated the Leap Year this year, I have felt the magnitude and energy build up. Which brings me to my next point, the Eclipses. Every astrologer and psychic I know has talked up these eclipses as nothing short of a roller coaster ride. We have a Solar Eclipse Sept. 1 in Virgo and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces Sept. 15/16.  In the Solar Eclipse Sept. 1, we are looking at Sun in Virgo square Saturn opposing Neptune. Whoa! Saturn is not my best friend, but in this eclipse he could indicate loss of energy, depression, illness. The North Node is in Virgo, Moon in Virgo, Venus in Virgo, etc. Interestingly enough, I'm extremely qualified to describe this energy. I have 6 planets in Virgo in my natal chart. How does that feel? It feels incredibly heavy sometimes, like every decision is important. So, yes, around this time, folks may have to make a major life decision. Having Neptune and Saturn aspected are like trying to walk on a tightrope while carrying an extra 50 pounds and you don't remember which side of the parallel universe you are in- good side or bad side. So, also doubt. Lots of it. Then there is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces conjunct Chiron and squaring Marsm. So we are set with the purpose of deleting the parts of ourselves that do not work or roles which are outdated.  We also have Black Moon Lilith and Juno conjunct in Scorpio. Holy moly! That is desire for a soulmate that is so strong you will do whatever. Well, what would you do? Attend a workshop to release issues? Emotional healing? Candle magic? Soulmate course? Lunar Eclipse? Definitely a "pressure cooker" atmosphere. Anytime, you have Mars, you have violence, passion, aggression, even an aggressive act. As I do, since the days of NYC, just breathe and take in a sauna, jacuzzi or massage during the Eclipses. They are hard on everyone's nervous systems. The Gemstones I would pick to help people Sept.
1 would be Himalayan quartz, Ruby, citrine, pyrite. The crystals I would pick for the Full Moon would be Kyanite, Kunzite, Black Tourmaline, Rhodochrite, Iolite, Celestite, angelite, rhodonite, and Red jasper!! My YouTube channel will be devoting to starting monthly astrology, Channelings. Ascension classes, and one on one Soulmate healings. Take care and enjoy the Summer while it lasts!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The "New Generation of Cults"

My Experience
After having an experience in early January with two very sheltered individuals who were in a "modern day cult", I realized that there are quite a few "textbook" psychologists who believe themselves to be the next Carl Jung. Neither of them had received  even at least a BA in Psych. They proposed to "counsel" me. What I observed was a "strong, internal dialogue urging me to run". They surrounded me with scrutiny+ inquiry. Only hours later, one of them expressed that she had difficulty keeping friendships.  Shocking! This was the oddest pair I've found in the Bible Belt
 She has the hugest shadow of wounded female ego while he continues to enable her codependent relationship. These two who have never ventured out past their own backyards believe that they have tools to "guide" me.

Also, a growing number  of white people who have never partook in Indian culture have adopted Hinduism. This was reflective of the two individuals I met. I am of Indian origin. I have had over 6 years of doing seva for Mother Ammachi, Mother Meera and Sri Amma Karunamayi all over the US and Canada. I have participated in many pujas, darshans, satsangs and other programs. As an experienced Vipassana meditator, I start each morning with 1 hr of meditation. This is a very useful tool for looking at reality in our world. There is something to be said about experiencing outside disciplines and cultures.
The two I found were extremely closeminded and did not receive differences of opinions at all.  One thing I noticed is both expressed an intolerance for people, stating that most people are OK, but have "limitations". Also, every other modality outside of their methodology has "limitations".
Shaming and Character Assassination
Healthy leaders maintain privacy, protect the weak and empower people. What I noticed with this couple is they engaged in "shaming" of their former clients and friends by giving me private details of the healing sessions. I never asked for that info or wished to hear it.
 In a nutshell, I spent 4 days with "self described spiritual
elitists" who have neither a blog, website, working practice, clients nor a social media presence and yet, they believe themselves to be on "the leading edge of spirituality. Wow:)!!