Wednesday, December 18, 2013

After Ascension.. when the Dust Settles:)!!!

Well, after the dust settles over what we know in the present New Age World as the "Ascension", we now know and feel tangibly that we are different.
More empowered, we are alive in a world that is consciously creating evry second of every day. This is truly living! Dalai Lama has said some amazing thing about this age of our lives. Satya Sai Baba has passed from this mortal coil and we are expecting his Holy Re-incarnation soon. My teacher, S.N Goenka who taught the ground-breaking meditation, Vipassana in the 50s, 60s, and 70s and 80s, has left his physical body. Nelson Mandela, a being who surpassed his life plan, has passed. Folks, we have a bad-ass of spiritual beings and avatars on the other side pulling for the next transformation of Love. Fundamentally, we are changed. Being in the presence of Love does that. There are some very beautiful healing energies on the planet. The Rising Star system is one of them. Another amazing healer in New Orleans is Rachel Collier. Rachel is a Reiki Master, Licensed Angelic Teacher & Healer, and on her way to become a Rainbow Reiki Teacher as well. Rachel's teachers are Walter Lubeck, Frank Arjava Petter, His Holiness the Dali Lama, Sandra Trimble, Tianne Lastra and the greatest of all of her teachers- Nature, Mother Earth herself. She comes highly recommended and heals the whole of New Orleans. But not only that, Rachel's Angelic healing classes are rocking the house! One of her students Vanessa Patino says, "It's a very powerful class." "All of the angels are souped -up and amplified in Rachel's classes- this is no ordinary Angelic healing! She holds the keys to training a new paradigm of very powerful Angelic healers. All the other metaphysical methods I have previously used hold no candle to this method!" Vanessa is trained as an angelic healer, NOLA/NYC renowned psychic and energy healer. She owns a business: Readings by Vanessa.
Rachel Collier is ready to accept students for 2014 classes. Rachel's website is : Vanessa Patino's website info is:

Friday, December 6, 2013

We are ready to be transformed!!

The business of day-to-day affairs this past year has been somewhat heavy, with planet Saturn's influence making our lives wrought with obstacles. We have seen a transition in 2013. And finally, a breath can be breathed.

Last night, Nelson Mandela passed from the physical earthly plane on. His transition sparked a outpouring of love and goodwill all across the world. In the sign of Sagittarius which we are in, the higher welfare and humanity of the world is upgraded. This is a push for all to open their hearts and recognize a true spiritual and moral human being who fulfilled his life purpose. And when you hear thew sound of that click, it is difficult to keep quiet. SO everyone has been touched and guess what?

From what I have seen since last night, when certain spiritual masters leave this plane, they complete the circle. We just had Satya Sai Baba, Teacher of Vippasana S.N. Goenka, and last night, Nelson Mandela leave the earthly physical plane. My analysis: We are definitely ascended and now, we will receive an upgrade. Also, last night, the intensity of Rising Star healing system was through the roof in New York City. Which shows me that the people are ready for liberation. Are you ready for liberation?