Friday, December 10, 2010

Endings and manifestation

SO we all have peple that have taught us stuff but maybe not in the Way we anticipated. My ending with a relationship occurred this week an it was very natural and rather graceful actually. But the real story is discernment. We really have to LOOK at the company we keep. It has to be evolving and positive( if you are at all like me.) MUST MUST be positive. Sometimes i think predators and low level energy snatchers have "radar". Not even three hours after I broke up in my relationship, a low energy male called me,.Out of the blue. Are you KIDDING me? Seriously.But alas I get it. This is my TEST. This has always been my pattern., Low level male vampires attempting to take energy from me to fuel their bodies and souls. You;ll be proud of me. I negated the call. I realized exactly what was happening here and released. I released, I never want to return to that old pattern.

I am Manifesting the new pattern.

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