Thursday, January 27, 2011

The flu, becoming well and other mysteries.

I knew last Tuesday I was sick. Sick as a dog in fact. I started throwing up my food as I was finishing my day from taking care of the twins. I felt so inherently weak. I thought- this is the flu. And then, I got the confirmation- aches and pains, chills, coughing up phlegm with a vengeance, and a record fever. But still I had my job on the line and perform- I must. This flu took away my appetite, rendering packages of Indian fare useless- soup, salads and entrees which might otherwise have helped me fight this battle. But I gave up straight away. It had a devastating effect on my energy level. I couldn't hold anything down either but I felt better when I didn't eat. So, five days of this and finally Friday I had finished work. Now, I had to attend to myself. I had a 101 degree temperature. But I didn't want to fight this with western medicine. I went straight to the avuryvedic expert- my roomate and told him my situation. It was so funny- he loves to eat. So do I. But I wasn't eating anything- not even an olive. No desire. My body was purging and that is all it wanted to do. So, I just took the remedies and prayed for the best. A healthy body. A healthy immune system.  A healer friend of mine asked me to ask the illness- "What is its' message?". I hadn't thought of that. So I asked- "What is your message?". Blank silence. Again. I said, "what is your message?" "Letting go"-after the fifth time, I finally got that response. So I ask now, have I let go?

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