Friday, April 6, 2012

The Predator- May 2002 thru November 2009

The Predator by Sareena Sandhu
I belive he had the notion quite a while ago that he could woo women with his cash, his words, and his sexual bravado. I should have recognized his colors a long ago when i was still an ingenue. He, himself, rivals the "whores" that he paid for and claims took advantage of.

I suppose after 7 years I no longer represent the prey but also the predator now since I practice his malicious twisted ways. I have taken in all this supposed mafia man's anger and abuse and it has twisted my gut. I'm willing to put him appropiately to rest and out to pasture.
It never occured to me that his words and psychology were something more than old-school, now I see them as misogystic and supremely detrimental to any woman's self-esteem. He batters the very essence of my self respect by putting down my job, my personality and my family. I represent the last female victim of this man. His brutality and anger cut through me.
As the "prey" for a year, I saw utter hell. His world collapsed into a self -made web of cruelty and loneliness. Now, karma does really pay you back. I saw a man that attempted to fuck me when I didn't consent, control me in countless ways, and psychologically "destroy" me. 
I am alive and here to support that he controls nothing. And I'm here to make sure no other woman falls in the same trap.

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