Thursday, December 20, 2012

Congratulations Earthlings!We are finally here. SO for 8(eight minutes) in between midday of December 21, 2012 and December 23, 2012, we will have the most powerful vibrations. And that is time to write down stuff. Revelations about your  life. Deep truths. Visions. Channelings. Poetry. Whatever. You are inspired and wow- "what a great idea" comes into your head. The 22nd is particulary important for all you spiritual peoples and regular folks also. Now, if there is a darkening of the skies on the 23rd or late on the 22nd, do not panic. I repeat - do not panic. It may feel like a void when the earth is very still and in a state of being. Just remember countles smillions on the planet have prepared for this and are ready. Awaken. Awaken. Awaken.

This youtube video feels like the most grounded and authentic version of ascension I've seen and I recommend watching the whole thing.

See ya on the other side of awakened.


  1. Sounds like an amazing article and suggestions!

  2. Congrats on your blog:) You seem to have really evolved since 2010.
